Saturday 22 July 2017

Get More Traffic On Website With The Help Of Infographics

BY Citi Mega mart Conest IN , , , 10 comments

There are so many website owners who face the problem in explaining the information about their products and services to the customers. But, there is one way available through which the information and data can be presented visually and it is called Infographics. It is one of a very helpful method with which all the complicated process can be explained easily in a structural format. The appealing information is created with the combination of text, data and images. 
benifits of infographics
If you want to make a more effective infographics, then you can use the maps, charts and pictures. You know that this graphic presentation offers number of benefits which are:

Attract new visitors: Suppose, the users are searching for the topic your website is about and in the search results, they find that your site is the only one that describes the information in a graphic format. In this condition, they will like to visit your site among others. You know that the research has been conducted which reveals the result that the infographic post get more visitors than the traditional one.

Grab reader’s attention: It is the fact that the graphics helps the client to understand the information very easily than the paragraphs text. This saves their time and also one advantage is that they will read the whole graphics; otherwise if the data will be presented in a text, then they will never read the entire information as it consumes a lot of time.

what is ingographis

Enhance reach to social media: You know that the other people are interested in sharing the interactive infographics with others and this will increase the social media reach. With this, the more people will get engaged at your website from the whole world. But, for this, you have to make sure of some points which include:

·         Graphic should contain website address
·         Give flexibility to others to add to their sites by adding an embed code for your website.
·         Company name must be in bold letters
·         For the social media sites like Facebook, twitter and others, you have to create an easy share links.

Easy way for product comparison: Before purchasing the product, customers can easily compare with the other companies who are offering the same product. With the infographics, customers can know about the production, benefits and the usage of the products in a very effective manner.

Colored images stick users: If on any page user find the colored images, and then they would like to come back again and again. It means they would like to stick to your website, because these colored images will capture the attention of visitors. You can also add the color with encapsulated text, colored arrows, bold and large text. This method is useful for the readers as well as for the company.

Simple approach to add fresh information: You can add fresh information, means the data which is in latest trend very easily without any hassle. It will engage more readers as they will find the world class information at your website.

It is one of an easy and incredible way to attract more traffic by presenting the information or data through graphic visual representation. You have understood that this will save you time as the information will be presented quickly. So, do not waste a moment and apply infographics in your website today to reach a large audience.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

11 Steps To Get Keyword Ranking For Your Website

BY Citi Mega mart Conest IN , , , 3 comments

It is true that getting a rank for keyword is not an easy task. If your website is new, then it is a very complicated process and you will get the result after trying so many times. There are some strategies which will make the ranking process easier and faster. Some of the steps which you have to follow include:

1.      Your website should be designed according to the SEO best practices, which indicate the Google guidelines. It will help to get the links and authority.
2.      You must have to share your content on social media as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. It means you have to make a strong network.
3.      Before choosing a keyword, conduct an initial research which will help you to understand that which are more popular and which are not. You have to select that keyword which has a good volume, but not too much high.
4.     The keyword should be according to your company, it means whatever the products or services you are offering to the customers. Because, getting a rank for a keyword without the worthy traffic is waste or you can say have not any value.
5.     After making a final selection of keyword, you have to pay attention on several things:
Ø  Check the number of domains which are exactly matching with your website domains. Also, make sure that whether the URL contain keyword or not.
Ø  Check the way through which the keywords are incorporated into the title tags
Ø  Check the type of businesses which are shown on the top ranking results, whether they are new, small businesses or new brands
Ø  Check the type of content which has ranked higher, be it a blog posts, product pages or videos
6.     Your keyword should be according to the searcher’s need, means as per the requirement of those persons who are searching on the search engines. It is advisable that use the keywords which have long-tail, for example, best SEO company in delhi.
7.     You have to make a sound decision at the time of selecting the content for the better ranking of keywords. The way of content are not limited to
Ø  Product page
Ø  Article
Ø  Infographic
Ø  Blog post
Ø  Video
Ø  Index or directory of links
Ø  Authoritative guide
8.     After this, think that how the content will be created, how much time it will take, whether it will be written in your own company or you will take someone’s help in this. Also make sure that you cater the sufficient budget and resources which are required in this task.
9.     You have to do more effort to create a high quality content so that organic search traffic can come at your website. Please be careful that your content should not have keyword stuffing as well as the page which is full of advertisements. Because, these things are only beneficial for your profit, but never bring the visitors.
10.  Optimize your content at the time of creating it, instead f doing the optimization after completing it. You have to use the keywords where you can, but not do the stuffing as it violates the Google guidelines. You can use in the image file names, the possibility is that may be the user will not notice this, but it will increase the keyword ranking.
11.  Before publishing and promoting your content, you must be careful that your content should be visible, contains high quality and is truly optimized.  

These are some of the methods which will surely help you to rank your keywords higher among the other competitors of your business. Please read all the steps with more attention and apply these for the keyword ranking of your website.  

Friday 12 May 2017

PPC (Pay Per Click) - An Internet advertising Model

BY Citi Mega mart Conest IN , , , , 63 comments

It is also known as internet advertising or keyword advertising or cost per click. Today, this is one of the fastest sources on the internet for online advertising. When the people search anything on the Google or on any other search engine, then after that the search results display along with the advertisements that appear alongside on that page.

 This online model is used by the advertisers for their product or service and they had to pay to the publisher or a website owner, whenever any visitor clicks on the advertisement.  When the ad is clicked, then the visitor will redirect on the advertiser’s website and this will help them to launch the product in the market and to get the visitors. The main motive of using this model by the advertisers is to only get more traffic for that particular keyword. It is a very cost effective method and it will also help to beat the competitors of online business, as it is the fact that doing the business online is not an easy task. This advertising model will help the business owner to achieve the desired goal. With the search engines, advertisers use the bidding system for the keywords. But, the content sites do not use the bidding system and instead of this, they charge the fix price on each click. This model is also used by the social networking sites like Face book and Twitter.
You know that when the advertisement will display? It will appear only when the query for the keyword will match with the keyword list provided by the advertiser and also when the relevant content will be displayed by the content website. These types of advertisements are known as sponsored ads or sponsored links which appears above or adjacent to the search engine result pages. The basic formula through which the pay-per-click is calculated:

                                 Pay-per-click ($) = Advertising cost ($) / Ads clicked (#)

Before the PPC campaign, the advertiser has to decide which type of terms the audience will search and according to that they have to choose keywords. The ads should be created in such a manner that can speak the need of the visitor. It means that the ad should be informative as well as attractive, which can capture the consumer’s attention. Through this advertising method, the ads will get the top position and eliminate the need to spend time on other web development strategies. So, you do not have to think anymore before investing in this campaign, because it will always be worthy for an advertiser.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Top 10 Guidelines to design SEO friendly website

BY Citi Mega mart Conest IN , , , , , , 4 comments

   The fact cannot be denied that at the recent time, the number of websites on the internet is in millions. The people think that designing the website means having a stunning theme, but it’s not enough to achieve better ranking in a search engine. The important thing you have to understand is the significance of SEO, i.e. Search Engine Optimization. The algorithms used by the search engines are different which they utilize in finding the best results for the users. Your website should be SEO friendly and for this, you must use the SEO guidelines which will help you in order to achieve higher ranking and more traffic on your website. Below are some of the guidelines which you have to follow and these will surely help you in designing SEO friendly website:

1. Make user-friendly and simple Navigation:
   You have to design website navigation in such a way that should be simple and user-friendly as well as descriptive. You know that if the navigation would be simple, then it is an indication of good website. The navigation should be placed on the top of page and on the bottom of page; the navigation buttons can be put. The more eye-catching locations for the users and crawlers are the top and bottom. For every category of the website, you have to avoid the change in template. Otherwise, for the average users the navigation will become more difficult.
2. Updated and Unique Content:
   Make sure that the content should be unique and updated at the time of writing. You cannot copy the content from anywhere like other websites; otherwise this will be detected by the search engine spiders. The content should be optimized and if you are putting some facts in your website content, then these should be taken from relevant source.
3. Avoid excessive use of Keywords:
   No doubt, that the keywords play an essential role in making SEO friendly website. But, you cannot do the keyword stuffing, means more use of keywords. It will make a worse impact on the ranking of your website and also on the image of your brand. You have to use the keywords on different location as you can put keywords in description, Meta tags, image ALT tags, heading tags, URL, footer links of website.
4. Make SEO friendly URL structure:
   The URL structure is more important and this should be SEO friendly for each and every page of website. For search engine crawler and users, it will become easy to find the website information whatever you want to provide.
5. Apply descriptive and appealing images:
   Do not use the large size images, because of these the loading time of webpage will increase. You have to use only the appealing and descriptive images. Multimedia content can be added and after adding, properly optimize that. The ALT tags for pictures should be filled at the time of using the images on web pages.
6. Incorporate social media buttons on your website:
   There are so many people who have thinking that the social media does not create any impact on the ranking of website. It is true, but not completely, because if you will use social media buttons on your website for sharing the content, then your content will get more like and may be shared on the timeline of visitors if they find something useful for them. Due to this reason, your website will receive priority from the search engines.
7. Don’t include hidden text:
   In the past time, for hiding the keywords in content, there was the usage of hidden text so that these particular keywords can be only seen by the search engine spiders. Actually, these are the texts which will not be visible to the users at the time of reading the body of main content. But, at the present time, if any website includes hidden text, then it will be penalized by the search engine and for this, the strict rules have been made. So, the best way is that do not include these texts in content of your website.
8. Insert sitemap for website:
   It is advisable that insert sitemap for your website as it is a very helpful tool, through which all the information about web pages of website can be known by the search engine. It is not only useful for the search engine, but also your website will get good ranking.
9. Use anchor text in content:
   Any clickable text in a hyperlink is an anchor text, link text, link label or link title. It is mandatory to use in the link, because with this, the ranking of a page can be determined. It will make a good impact on search engine as well as on the users. The search engine can understand that what a particular is about and also what a site is about.
10.  Use canonical tag for duplicate content/ webpages:
   Use canonical tag for duplicate URL of your website, or is same URL but Google considers it tow different url. To resolve this issue we use Canonical tag.
1                     11.   Mobile Friendly:
Your website should be Mobile friendly, as you know nows a days most of people using smartphone. So it is very important to have a mobile friendly website for smartphone user.

   It is strongly recommended that follow these guidelines to design a website which is SEO friendly so that better ranking can be achieved among millions of websites.

Saturday 15 April 2017

What is keyword and how it is important in SEO?

BY Citi Mega mart Conest IN , , , , 1 comment

Definition of Keyword: -

Whenever the people want to find your website with the help of a search engine, at that time they use the keywords. Actually, these are the words or phrases in a web content of your site. These give the summary of a whole web page. When the keyword is entered as a search query, then it is matched with a page and if it is appropriately matching, then that page is shown in the result. With the help of these, your products and services can be easily found out. These have taken an important place in today’s competitive world. Therefore, having keywords in content is very necessary to land out in the competition. Otherwise, you do not exist anywhere. 

Importance of keyword: -

SEO uses the keyword to get higher ranking of your website. You have to make sure that for the keywords, the content is optimized. In this, there are certain things that play a crucial role and these are:

1.     1. You know that the keywords play an important role in deciding the future of your site; it means the success or failure. For this, it is essential to make the selection of correct keyword, so that the users without facing any problem can reach to your site. You have to be sure that you have to use those words that can best describe and related to content and are mostly searched on the search engines. To know about the statistics of the popularity of the keywords which you have selected for your products or services as well as how much these are in the competition, you can use the keyword suggestion tools. 

2.     2. The keywords should be placed in the URL, headings, page titles, initial part of first paragraph, image file path or in image alt text, meta tags and most probably in meta descriptions. Along with these, you have to use as an anchor text in back links. 

3.    3.  In your content, you can highlight the keyword and other necessary information by using the bold and italic formatting so that the search engine spider can read and index this information without any hassle.
4.     The other essential thing is keyword density, i.e. the number of occurrences of a particular keyword in your content. The keyword density should be good and you have to focus on this. For major 2 or 3 targeted keywords, 3 to 7 percent keyword density is ideal and for minor, 1 to 2 percent should be maintained. 

How Keyword analysis effect your website?

It is the fact that the keyword is a heart in content’s marketing campaign. In the campaign, the first step is keyword analysis. Through the analysis, you will able to know that what is important for your targeted audience, so that you can make them happy. This offers so many benefits and some are:

Gives insight view of marketing trends: - With the help of keyword analysis, you will get an insight view of the consumer behavior as well as of marketing trends. Because, the trends change constantly and it is very essential to adapt the information that what is more important for audience. If you will know about this earlier, then it can become one of a leading business opportunity. 

Drive more traffic: - For this, you should have to know that what type of keywords can drive more traffic at your website. After this analysis, you can write relevant content in which your audience is interested and can get engaged after reading it. If you want to engage more audience and also want that they should return at your website again and again, then the content must be valuable, meaningful and unique. 

Higher conversion rate: - The relevant content is not only vital to engage visitors, but also to attract qualified traffic. It means if the audience is getting something meaningful in content, then this will lead to higher conversion rate at your website. This will increase net profit of your business. 

Utilize your time in successful keywords: - It is advisable that please utilize your time in creating the content with important and popular keywords so that you can get success. You should have to give priority to your time so that your website can overcome from the bottom line. 

Improves ranking in organic search: - After the keyword analysis, you will know that what the optimal keywords are. The second step is the placement of these keywords at the right place which will improve the sites’ visibility and crawl ability in search engine spiders. It means the overall organic search engine ranking gets enhanced. 

You have to pay attention on these benefits and focus on keyword analysis to get long term success of your website as it is a basic building block to achieve this goal.